Wednesday, June 22, 2016

5 Common Mistakes That Make Your ED Worse .

When it comes to health issue, we are often our own worst enemies. 
You see this in a lot of cases and with a variety of diseases.  People who know they have high blood pressure and high cholesterol don’t change their diets and keep eating lots of fried food, for example.  
Erectile Dysfunction is no different.  Here are a five things you may be doing right now, today, that are making your condition worse.
You’re Eating (and Drinking) The Wrong Things
Caffeine.  Alcohol.  Nicotine.  Drugs.  Excess fat.  If you indulge in any of these on a regular basis, the sad truth is that you’re making your ED condition worse.  
Even if you do other things to improve your condition – even if you take medication to offset it, those things will be less effective than they could be unless you dramatically reduce or cut down on the items listed above.
You’re Not Eating Enough of The Right Things
Here’s a short list of foods known to increase your vascular health, which in turn, will improve the quality of your erections:  whole grains, green, leafy vegetables, fruits (especially watermelon and blueberries), and oysters.  
If you like everything on that list, you’re in luck.  Eat more of all of those and you’ll see your ED symptoms diminish markedly, and possibly even disappear altogether.  
If you’re not currently eating any of the above, then you’re definitely making the problem worse.  
By itself, diet may not be able to completely cure your erectile dysfunction, but it can make a huge difference and have a tremendous impact on the quality of your erections.
You Work Too Much
Stress is a very big contributor to ED.  If you’re working too many hours, or if you don’t take the time to unplug and decompress, you’re only making your condition worse.  
We were simply not cut out for long term exposure to the kind of stress that our modern lifestyle subjects us to.  Because modern life is so stressful, you’ve got to make time for yourself.  You’ve got to take the time to unwind, because guess what?  
If you don’t do it for yourself, no one else will do it for you.  Your boss isn’t going to give you several bonus days off to unwind, so if it’s going to happen at all, it’s going to happen because you make it a priority.  
Be good to yourself and find a way to take the time.  Yes, making it a priority can be a challenge, but you’re worth it, aren’t you?  
Your sex life is worth it, isn’t it?  Of course it is, so what are you waiting for?
You Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Yes, too little sleep can impact your sex life.  Did you know that after just three days with no sleep, you’re prone to having a psychotic break?  
It’s true, and not only that, but lack of sleep is a major contributor to depression, which is another big cause of erectile dysfunction.
You Don’t Get Enough Exercise
When you strip erectile dysfunction down to its barest essentials, ED is a circulatory condition.  Your penis gets and stays hard by virtue of the amount of blood that flows to it.  
More blood flow equals firmer erections.  Less blood flow equals weaker or even nonexistent erections.  
It’s not too difficult to guess which of those choices most men would prefer, and the good news is, you can do something right now, starting today, that will help you improve and increase your blood flow to all parts of your body, including your penis.
Unfortunately, the best way to do that is also something that most people really don’t like to do.  Exercise is something that almost everyone acknowledges is both good and necessary, but in practice, few people actually make time for.  
You should.  If you do, the quality of your erections will improve, so even if you’re not all that excited about exercise for its own sake, do your sex life a favor and make regular exercise a part of your weekly routine.  
We recommend exercising three times a week.  You may be surprised by the relatively low frequency of exercise, but that’s because we also recommend finding a sport you’re passionate about and making it a regular part of your weekly routine as well. 
It doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as it gets your heart rate up, and that you enjoy doing it, because let’s face it, if you hate it, you’re not going to do it with any regularity.
Are you doing (or not doing) any of the above?  If you are, you’re making your ED worse.  You’re literally working against yourself.  
Even if you’re doing a few things to offset those, or taking expensive medications, they’re simply not going to be as effective as they could be.

 Why ED Drugs Are NOT The Answer

You’ve probably seen the commercials for Viagra, Cialis, and the other popular drugs used in the treatment of ED. 
The big pharmaceutical companies are constantly bombarding you with ads, both on television and online, hyping the benefits of their latest class of “wonder drugs.” 
They’re so popular that many people who don’t have even ED try to get their hands on some of the pills for occasional “recreational use.”
Have you ever wondered though, why pharmaceutical companies would target YOU in their ads? 
After all, you can’t get these medicines without a prescription, so showing you an ad about these drugs seems counterintuitive. But when you think about it, it starts making more sense... 
The first time you start experiencing problems with your sexual performance, you’re almost certain to ask your doctor for one of the drugs you’ve seen on TV. 
Then, of course, once you see that the “magic pill” works for you, you’re hooked. 
They’ve got a new customer for life!
The real problem here, is that the big pharma companies have absolutely NO interest in curing you of erectile dysfunction. 
They’d much rather see you hooked on their very expensive drug forever. That’s guaranteed monthly revenue for them, but for you, it’s not really a cure, but a workaround and a financial drain. 
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that ED treatments are the only class of drug they do this with though. Big Pharma is in the business of selling temporary fixes rather than permanent cures. 
If they were genuinely interested in fixing your problem, they’d essentially be in the business of putting themselves out of business, and no for-profit company is going to do that.
The reality is that there ARE viable ways to treat erectile dysfunction. Not just treat it, but utterly cure it. Permanently. 
Of course, the big pharmaceuticals don’t want you to know about them, because if you did…if you could find a natural way of curing your condition, then you wouldn’t need them anymore. 
You’re a cash cow for them. A living, breathing sponge that they can suck dollars out of until the day you die, and they’d just as soon keep you that way.
If you’re going to have any real hope of solving your sexual performance issues once and for all though, you’ve got to really understand the condition. 
ED is kind of a “catch all” condition. It has a number of different possible causes, some mental, some physical, some lifestyle, and sometimes, it can even be caused by other medications you’re taking to treat other serious medical issues you might have. 
This, of course, works well for Big Pharma. If they can get you taking one medicine, and it has a side effect that causes you to have to take a second, they just doubled their money, right?
Now, I know what you’re thinking. The problem with this is that the same company might not make both drugs you’re taking. 
That can happen, sure, but the reality is that there are only about half a dozen major pharmaceutical companies that make almost all of the most common drugs used by the modern medical establishment. 
Is it really such a stretch to imagine a scenario in which they might do a bit of friendly cooperation? Everybody wins. They all get richer, month after month and year after year at your expense, so really, that’s not quite right. 
Everybody wins but you, but of course, they’ve got you convinced that you win too, because they’re disguising their treadmill as a “fix,” when really, it’s just a temporary workaround.
The good news is that there are people who have poured hundreds of hours into sifting through all the garbage and BS to ferret out real, effective, natural remedies that don’t just treat your symptoms and put you on a treadmill of a different sort, but actually cure your condition once and for all.
The big pharmaceutical companies are predictably none too amused by their attempts to find actual cures, and they have been known to issue cease and desist orders on occasion. 
Most of the time though, they don’t have to resort to such tactics, because they know that most of their customers won’t believe that there’s an actual cure, and will go right on faithfully paying them money, month after month, even if they hear about a permanent cure online. 
Why? Because advertising is a powerful mechanism. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year convincing you that what they’re selling are cures. 
If you hear the message enough times, you’ll believe them. If you believe them, you’ll comply. You’ll be a good little lamb and keep giving them money every month. 
They don’t have to chain you to the treadmill, they know that more often than not, you’ll do it for them.
ED medications aren’t a cure. At best, they’re a temporary workaround to a problem you can fix yourself, for good. At worst, they’re part of the problem. So don’t allow yourself to get sucked in.

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